Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's getting hot in here.

Well we're one day in to the arrbaa'oon - the Forty Hottest Days. We'd heard rumours, whispers in the crowd. Nervous, shifty whispers. Around here the arrbaa'oon have a "those-we-do-not-speak-of" sort of presence. We don't know why the hottest days are in Spring and not in Summer. And how do the locals know exactly when they will start? Not sure - something to do with the moon. Earlier this week a student cautiously approached the subject in class: "Teacher... they start on Thursday." It was the way he said "they" that got to me - that and collective simultaneous grimacing of his classmates. Nobody likes the Forty Hottest Days.

Anyway, with deadly accuracy, he was right. The humidity is choking; the sun oppressive, violent. Yesterday we went snorkelling again (Thursday being the Yemeni Saturday) and that was a relief. Now it's Friday morning; one down, thirty-nine to go.

Recipe: cover country in sand; place in oven, bake until golden brown and completely dehydrated - about forty days.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I don't have to tell you to keep hydrated but being older and wiser (?) I will.

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is an AWESOMELY AWESOME view! Is that out back in your dooryard- cause if it is, I'm a comin' to Yemen!

At 3:46 AM, Blogger Cricket on the Hearth said...

Hey Tanya! We would LOVE for you to come to Yemen! But just so we're not falsely advertising anything, our particular stretch of the coast consists of a rockier desert landscape; the sand is just to the east of us, and also to the west. Our home is on volcanic soil, so it's not as soft:)

At 3:49 AM, Blogger Cricket on the Hearth said...

Oh, and don't worry Allison, we're drinking lots and lots of water:) Otherwise we'd pass out in the classroom.

Well-hydratedly yours,

Yemeni Cricket


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