Monday, April 10, 2006

You're On

We took something away from you, and now we're giving it back - your ability to post comments on this blog. They'll be filtered through our email, so it may be a little while between when you post a comment and when it actually appears. Go ahead: express yourself:)

By the way, do you ever get an overwhelming urge to mail packages to people in the Middle East? That's an interesting urge, isn't it? Hm.

In totally unrelated news, here's our mailing address.

Nicholas Schofield
P.O. Box 60040
Mukalla, YEMEN

I know what you're thinking... neither of our names is Nicholas Schofield. He's the director of this little college of ours, and it's his box. Mail sent to him goes to whichever staff member recognizes the name on the return address.

And finally, I (Sean) am wondering if any of my students from Fredericton High School are reading this thing - I know of only one so far (hi Joe) and if there are more of you, drop me a line! I'd love to hear from you.



At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Please keep up the awesome pics! They really paint quite a picture of life in Yemen and it's MUCH cheaper to see them than make the trip personally.
We're continuously thinking of you,
Cousin Allison

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Ruth said...

Hey Sean and Ruth! It's so great to see (literally) what's going on in your lives now! In the words of Andrew, it is all very exciting. I love the pictures! The blogging world does have its advantages in helping people to keep in touch.
Btw, you should check out my new blog too, and please comment!!
Miss you!

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Cricket on the Hearth said...

Well, we agree - it is quite exciting. Be good or we'll take it away again. One thing it does is let us know who's reading - people like Cousin Allison! Hi there! We had no idea...

At 10:51 PM, Blogger Emily said...

this is just to say that I am with Ruth on the banana dish..I don't even need to try it to know

At 10:26 AM, Blogger JFC said...


I came across your blog through Andrew Belli (whose blog I came across through Doug Wilson). I am pleased to have discovered it.

I almost ended up in Jibla 13 years ago as an assistant administrator to Bill Koehn. Providence had it otherwise, but I am still interested in this land. Though I haven't had contact with them in about a decade, I am also acquainted with Al & Edna Lindholm, who were in Sanaa at one point. I know westerners are probably not extremely common there, so if they are in your circle of acquaintances, please greet them for me.

Jon Caudle
jcaudle AT sdgmusic DOT us


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