Split Rock
These are a couple friends of ours; they teach English at a local school. A few days ago we took a drive with them down to Split Rock
(seen in the background), a formation which has a couple of different explanations. One is that a prophet struck the rock with his staff and it split in two. Translated into Canadian-speak.......Glooscap did it. The second: workers cut through to make the road (the water used to be a lot higher before they constructed the breakwater).So, we all spent the afternoon there and had a great time exploring the beach, tidal pools, an abandoned restaurant project and watching a couple of guys fishing. The tidal pools revealed sea cucumbers, baby lobsters and giant barnacles.
These fishermen... one was tossing chum into the water while the other was throwing out his line and brining it in/ keeping it organized by wrapping it around his neck and torso. Does this sound unsafe to anyone else out there???As we were leaving we noticed another fisherman on the beach who caught this interesting toothed specimen. Sean quickly bought one to cook up for dinner but found to his chagrin that its scales were made of steel. He could barely cut through it, but once fileted it made a nice meal.
Not a bad way to spend an afternoon, eh? It hasn't snowed in NB yet has it? *Insert evil laugh here*
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