The ants go marching
Hello everyone, we thought that we'd share some miscellaneous happenings with you over the next little bit, while we are consumed with work and unfortunately leading very boring lives. Allison, we blame you for making us admit that our weekdays aren't that exciting;)
A short time ago, hundreds of ants moved into our apartment. They're gone now, but while they were here we sometimes felt compelled to clear large areas of them in a short time. Here's Sean using an ancient Arabian method: hairpsray and a lighter. It worked great for walls and countertops, and seems to have had a discouraging effect because all the ants moved out a few days later.
This is the inestimable advantage of living in a concrete building in the desert: the near non-existence of fire hazards. (Really though, that advantage is only truly inestimable if you have a pyro for a husband).
Just heard of this new posting tonight when I was check on the progress of the barn in Hatfield's Point. (And the plans for beef cattle next fall!) Ah, yes, the ants. You know some would use the sole's of their boots. I used to use a syrup of sugar and borax. But only a pyromaniac would use hairspray & fire.--Nancy
I hardly surprised given how much Sean enjoyed fire back at ABU. :) Nan and I had an invasion of ants one summer...shudder. We got rid of the sugar PDQ let me tell you! Should have thought of the hairspray and fire method. REALLY cool picture. We should have had him at Culloden during the '45!
Guys, your weekdays only seem boring to you because they have become the mundane. To us Maritimers, your 'everydy' is still foreign and exotic.
Ruth, Sara is so excited that you guys are coming home!!
Ah, my brother the pyro. All those years of frying ants with the magnifying glass or on the wood stove have finally paid off! XO ~Beth
OK Allison, we'll cede you that point. It does hit us, sometimes... we just look around at what has become so totally normal/comfortable to us and it blows us away. Pretty special place, this is.
Hey Beth, quit making me sound so mean eh?*
*Disclaimer: Sean no longer burns ants for fun. He only does it for practial reasons.
yeah right! we all know you still enjoy it! pyro! :)
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